How can a website get hacked?
8 minute(s) read
Published on: Mar 13, 2021
Updated on: Dec 14, 2021
Certainly, none of the site owners want their site to be hacked. As a result, they try all the necessary strategies to secure the site. However, there are many online solutions for large and small site owners to secure their site as much as possible, and there are even experts who can help them maintain site security, a bit there is still hackers out there who try to websites in complex ways and steal and abuse all site information, more than half of the people can take back their site after it is hacked, but there are also people who cannot take back their account or website, and sometimes they are not even informed that their site has been hacked, in general, it can be said that no site is safe from hackers, even large sites are attacked by hackers, and you should be aware and think of the possibility that your site may be hacked at any time, so it is better to be familiar with the techniques that hackers use to hack your site, to maintain your site security with more awareness.
What does it mean to hack a site?
Hacking a site means that a person or even more than one person tries to access your site through different ways and uses your information to achieve their desires. In other words, a hack refers to a search to find security holes in a system and try to access your website or account through them.
Who is a hacker?
Hackers are ordinary people like everybody, and they aren't different from us. Still, we should note that hackers have high intelligence and mastery over the computer world. Large companies may even hire these people to find security bugs on a site and report the bug to the company to try to eliminate the bug as soon as possible. Of course, it should be noted that not all hackers work in this direction, and most of them prefer the negative way, which is trying their best to access and infiltrate various sites and abuse the information of those sites for their desired results.
Hacker category:
1- Elite Hackers
2- White Hat Hackers
3- Black Hat Hackers
4- Gray Hat Hackers
5- Blue Hat Hackers
6- Pink Hat Hackers
7- Script Kiddies
8- Noob Hackers
9- Red Hat hackers
10- Hectoist
How to hack a website?
In all hacking methods used by different hackers, the goal is to find security holes and infiltrate the site through them, which we will mention some of these methods in the following.
- Brute-force attack:
In Brute-force attack, the hacker guesses a large number of passwords, one of which may eventually be correct. As a result, he/she can access your information, so it is important to choose the right and secure password to increase the security of your website. Of course, you can use techniques while choosing a password to prevent such an attack as much as possible.
- Security software is not up to date:
Another method used by hackers to hack a site is through the lack of up-to-date security software. To prevent this, make sure you have updated the security software, or there is another way in which you can add an option that gives you the possibility of updating these applications automatically.
- Infiltration through invalid software:
Hackers can infiltrate your site through malicious code that they enter the software, so you should never download the software you need from unreliable sources. It is better to check the programs you have downloaded now, and if you encounter anything suspicious, deactivate the program immediately. You should also delete all the information about that program because deactivating the program is not enough to avoid possible attacks.
- Social engineering:
Hackers may try to get access to your site and use your site information by trying a different way which can be a friendly one, for instance, by abusing your trust in someone else and trying to email you via an email address that is slightly different from the email address of the person. Still, the difference is hard to be recognized. As a result, you trust them, and you will give your personal information, such as passwords, etc., to them whenever they want. As a result, you fall into the trap of hackers, so you have to be sure to check the email address and pay more attention to this detail to make sure that it is correct.
- Infiltration of hackers through poor site structure:
The site's structure has a great impact on the possibility of hacking by hackers. If there are many holes in that, it gives them the opportunity of getting access to your website and your personal information.
If you don't follow the tips in the site design which help you increase the security of the site, you may cause serious damages to your website, for example, when you allow all users to access the site admin page easily, in which case it can have negative impacts on your site.
- Access to confidential information for the public:
You may make a mistake while uploading information and do not do this process correctly, in which case the information that you intended to be available to only a limited number of people will be available to many people. Therefore hackers can easily use them for their desires. To resolve this issue, use URL removal tools to ensure that important URLs do not appear in Google search results, and check the information that you intend to publish to the public and information that is only available to your employees regularly.
- DDoS Attacks:
People may not consider this attack a hack, but it generally disrupts the site process, so you should be familiar with it. When a site is attacked by DDoS, it is visited more than usual, and there are many fake requests for the site. In fact, in this type of attack, hackers get help from the botnet and eventually cause the server to be under a lot of pressure and disrupt the normal process of the site.
- Man in The Middle:
MITM is one of the types of attacks. In this kind of attack, a hacker acts like a spy, which is more likely to occur when connected to a public Wi-Fi system. The hacker can interfere in every single request that you send to the server, through which other possibilities are provided for the hackers, here we are going to mention some of them in the following:
A hacker can easily change your destination and take you to a website that you never intended, this allows them to view your search history and access important information, or they can replace files that you have targeted and downloaded with other files or the ones that contain infected code, in general, in order not to be hacked in this way, it is better not to connect to public Wi-Fi if you have important information in your system so that you can protect your information.
One of the most used methods by hackers is KEYLOGGING, and this method is such that by sending a program to your system, it is possible for the hacker to create a log of all the work that you do through the system or form they may take a picture of your screen which you won't notice them at all. As a result, they will access all your information, such as site passwords, confidential information, etc., easily.
In this method, the hacker tries to create a site that is similar to the main site with the same address, this similarity is in a way that users do not realize that it is not the main site to which they have entered, so the hackers make the most of their information and can have access to your user account on the main site.
Last word:
The world of hackers is so complex, and you need to read many books and articles to be aware of the possible threats. In this article, we tried to mention the important points about hacking, categorization of hackers, and the common methods that hackers use to hack your site so that you can prevent your site from being hacked. Still, if you encounter a suspicious case and you cannot find a solution to the problem by yourself, you should get help from experts.
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